Declaration for Digital Application:
By submitting an application to Mazo Capital, LLC ba Mazo Capital Solutions, the individual providing this application and any person
for which information is provided affirmatively consents and agrees: (i) that I/we hereby represent that I/we am/are authorized to
provide all information submitted and hereby provide my/our written instructions to Mazo Capital Solutions and its affiliates, assigns,
successors and lending partners (collectively "Mazo Capital Solutions") to obtain information concerning the applicant and me/us from
any company, entity, organization, government agency (including law enforcement) or business, including my/our consumer and
business credit report(s), employment information, business dealings and trade references; (li) that Mazo Capital Solutions may use and
share any submitted and gathered information from or about the applicant and its owners or principals with lenders for consideration
for a credit product, including any loan or lease or to finance the purchase of equipment; (ili) that all information provided is true,
accurate and complete; (iv) that Mazo Capital Solutions may initially and subsequently obtain information from my/our consumer
reports) and otherwise in order to: (a) confirm mv/our identitv: (b) avoid fraudulent transactions in mv/our name: (c) to evaluate mv/our
and any applicant's initial and continuing creditworthiness; (d) to update, renew, confirm, extend, supplement, enforce and collect on
any credit transaction resulting from this application; and (e) that such inquiries may appear on my/our credit reports; (v) I/we waive any
right or claim under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Drivers' Policy Protection Act and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act arising in the
absence of this continuing consent; (vi) by providing mobile telephone number(s) I/we consent to receive SMS text messages related to
any transactions as well as any marketing and promotional purposes and understand that carrier messaging and data rates may apply (we
may opt out of such messaging at any time by replying to a text message with STOP, UNSUBSCRIBE, CANCEL, END or QUIT and we may
opt back in by replying to any message with START); and (vi) to receive any notices required by law electronically to the electronic mail
address(es) and or mobile telephone numbers provided. Equal opportunity lender. If for any reason the application for business credit is
not accepted, you have the right to a written statement of the specific reasons. To obtain the statement, mail your written request to
Mazo Capital Solutions. 300 Spectrum Center Drive. Suite 1070. Irvine, CA 92618 within 60 davs of the date you are notified of our
decision, and we will send you a written statement of specific reasons within 30 days or receipt of your request.