Connecticut Forklift
The Forklift Network Offers Servicing, Parts And Sales of New and Used Forklifts
Connecticut forklift carry the following new and used forklift CT, including Barnett, Yale, Toyota, Caterpillar, Crown Hyster, Linde, Nissan, Mitsubishi and Raymond, through a network of 6 forklift dealers that connect you to over 1,000 forklifts in inventory. Safety should be a priority when operating a forklift Connecticut. We will discuss some of the key things you should do to avoid a forklift accident and to add efficiency to your operation. First, ensure all of your drivers have been trained and are aware of the rules of operating the Connecticut forklift within your facility such as speed, when to stop, and how to check the forklift before using it. Ensure backup lights and horns are working to warn pedestrians and other forklift CT drivers. Never allow a person to ride on the forks of the Connecticut forklifts and ensure that horseplay is not tolerated around the Connecticut fork truck.

Ensure your facility is kept orderly and that things are not left on the floor where the forklifts operate. Also ensure that the loading dock is free of rot or holes. All loads are to be stacked as per the requirements set by the forklift CT manufacturer. Make certain all your forklifts are properly maintained as per the maintenance schedule set by the manufacturer and that a forklift is not beyond its useful life; this is particularly important with a used forklift Connecticut.
Before the beginning of each shift ensure the key components of the forklift are properly operating, including brakes, steering, clutch, transmission and hydraulic system. Ensuring your forklift is operating properly is also helpful in determining if your forklift is costing too much too operate and should be replaced. On a regular basis, your facilities management should look at cost of repairs, parts and labor on your used forklift CT. Also look at the hour of operation on your forklift, as most need to be replaced around the mid 20,000 hour range with a new or used forklift Connecticut that will be safer to operate. Our network of forklift CT dealers are available to help you find the Connecticut forklift that best meets your company’s needs at the best possible price available and will help you ensure you are aware of all safety features of your forklift.